Osteochondrosis of the 1st and 2nd degree thoracic spine

Dystrophy, as well as degenerative processes occurring in the human spine, usually lead to the appearance of diseases such as osteochondrosis. This pathology can affect one segment of the ridge, or the entire spine. Certain parts of the spine are affected more often, some less often.

thoracic spine osteochondrosis

In the thoracic region of the spine, the vertebrae differ in strength, they are larger than the rest. In addition, in this part of the ridge there is less mobility, less stress, and the muscles support the skeleton perfectly.

Defeat of osteochondrosis of the chest area is diagnosed less often. This pathology usually proceeds with manifestations similar to the symptoms of many diseases and, depending on the degree of intervertebral disc damage, is classified by degree.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region 1st degree: symptoms

In patients suffering from the early stages of thoracic osteochondrosis, there is a decrease in the elasticity of the discs between the vertebrae of the ridge. Possible protrusion of fibrous rings.

In the early stages of the disease, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • The patient suffers from sharp pain. It occurs after physical exertion, activity or lifting heavy objects. The pain is aching, constant, not intense, accompanied by lumbago;
  • as a result of high loads, an unexpected capsule rupture of the intervertebral disc occurs and a crack is formed. As a result, the nucleus penetrates the gap, irritating the nerves in the spine;
  • the extent of the disease continues with marked muscle tension. As a result, the space in the intervertebral disc narrows and the pain increases.

Thoracic osteochondrosis can occur with pain in the zone of the heart, digestive organs, kidneys. At this stage of the disease, the signs are erased, and it is difficult to diagnose.

Treatment of thoracic spine osteochondrosis grade 1

Thoracic osteochondrosis in its early stages is easier to treat. Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease and curing the rupture of the capsule.

Since the inflammatory process occurs in the tissues, causing severe pain, treatment begins with the use of painkillers in the form of tablets or injections.

To relieve spasms and increase blood flow in the affected part of the spine, medications are prescribed to help widen the blood vessels. Daily intravenous administration of sodium chloride will help reduce swelling. The duration of the therapy is 5 days.

In addition, chondroprotectors are prescribed for treatment. These drugs act on the affected area and help the tissue heal.

To stop inflammation, doctors often prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, it should be borne in mind that taking this drug can worsen the course of pre-existing chronic diseases, especially pathologies of the digestive system. For this reason, the duration of taking nonsteroidal drugs should not exceed 10 days.

All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor. To get a positive result, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations: dosage, time of taking the drug and duration of treatment.

All drugs prescribed for treatment can be classified:

  • antihistamines;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vasoactive agent.

The patient is recommended to adhere to a month of bed rest, it is recommended to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

For preventive purposes, ridge extraction is essential. For this, it is not necessary to go to the gym. On any sports field there is always a suitable horizontal bar. It is advisable to hang for a few minutes once a day. This procedure helps relieve stress from the intervertebral discs of all zones of the ridge.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine 2 degrees: symptoms

If at an early stage the disease is not betrayed and treatment is not started, then the disease goes to grade 2. With this pathology, there is a decrease in the elasticity of the discs between the vertebrae, hernias may form, and narrowing of the intervertebral foramen is observed. The second stage of the disease is characterized by a neurological syndrome, as well as painful sensations.

This stage of ridge disease is difficult to diagnose and progresses with signs similar to those of a heart attack, angina pectoris or pneumonia.

The following signs of the 2nd degree of thoracic osteochondrosis should be highlighted:

  • constant pain in the affected area;
  • arterial hypotension may be observed;
  • abnormal mobility of the part of the ridge appears;
  • as a result of thinning of the capsule, joint mobility increases;
  • due to instability of the spine, scoliosis is formed;
  • the veins of the spinal cord are gradually affected.

With 2 degrees of thoracic osteochondrosis, pain occurs:

  • in chest. Such pain is aggravated after a long stay in one position;
  • in the posterior interscapular zone;
  • with a deep breath or exhalation;
  • when twisting, as well as tilting the body, when lifting the arms up.

With this pathology in the sternum there is a feeling of squeezing, as well as stiffness.

2 degrees of the disease may occur with intestinal pathology, shortness of breath. The patient complains of peeling skin, headache, and pain in the heart area.

This pathology can last for years, with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree thoracic region

This disease requires urgent complex treatment. To relieve pain, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. For the effectiveness of therapy, manual therapy sessions are prescribed, as well as massage. This procedure increases the blood supply to the spine.

Timely therapy can significantly slow down the pathological process in the spine, and in some situations completely stop the development of osteochondrosis.

Quite often, thoracic osteochondrosis of the spine is mistaken for a pathology of the heart or another disease. It is important, when the first manifestations occur, to consult a doctor for differential diagnosis of osteochondrosis of various diseases and the appointment of effective treatment.